Vampire Facial

In the Vampire Facial treatment, Dr Nishel Patel uses a high quality centrifuge machine for two main indications:

Facial rejuvenation

Also known as the Vampire face lift. The treatment has become famous after becoming popular facial treatment among celebrities. It is a combination of the effective Microneedling, extracting growth platelets from your blood and then using that topically on your skin. Combined with Hyaluronic acid micro droplets this is Dr Nishel Patel’s signature treatment. The Skinesse lift. It specifically targets skin concerns such as wrinkles, dull skin and dark eye circles. This is the strongest form of Collagen banking. Find out more on our Instagram page.

Hair regeneration

Using a similar procedure growth factors from your blood are extracted and then injected into fine delicate areas on the scalp to help nourish the hair follicle, strengthen the hair root and increase the density and growth of hair. It will also encourage dormant follicles to wake up and sprout new hair. If you are looking for a market-leading non-surgical treatment to tackle hair loss on your scalp, then just get in touch with our friendly and professional medical team and we can talk you through our treatment programmes.

There are some big benefits to microneedling therapy for hair loss:

  • Straightforward procedure
  • Minimal disruption to your life
  • Works fast
  • Easy to maintain
  • Very negligible side effects
  • Very effective alongside hair transplants
  • Great results
  • Good value

On the flip side, be aware of the following:

  • Not everyone will benefit from microneedling therapy
  • Only suitable for mild to moderate hair loss
  • Doesn’t treat the conditions that lead to hair loss, so needs to be topped up

Vampire Treatment therapy process

Vampire Treatment therapy is a three-step process. Most Vampire Treatment therapy requires three treatments 4–6 weeks apart.

Maintenance treatments are required every 4–6 months as desired.

Step 1

Your blood is drawn — typically from your arm — and put into a centrifuge (a machine that spins rapidly to separate fluids of different densities).

Step 2

After about 10 minutes in the centrifuge, your blood will have separated into in three layers:

  • plasma with bad growth factors
  • platelets with good growth factors
  • red blood cells

Step 3

The platelets with good growth factors is drawn up into a syringe and then injected into of concern

Book your appointment today to discuss how we can help you look and feel younger with Vampire Treatment.

Treatment Overview
Vampire Facial at Skinesse Clinic
  • Procedure Time 30-60 mins
  • Full Recovery 1-2 days
  • Anaesthetic If needed
  • Results Immediate
  • Duration of Results Between 3-6 months
  • Risks & Complications Mild redness, some time bruising, no long term complications

*Individual results may vary.

"I would like to personally recommend Dr Nishel Patel and Dr Seema Jani at Skinesse Medical Aesthetics"

Reena age 39

*Individual results may vary.
